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Exercising while at high altitudes using a pulse oximeter

Many individuals live in different environment and some of them live at very high altitudes. Many of these places are either in mountainous areas that have extreme high altitude. Living and exercising in these locations can prove to be very difficult of the person has asthma. Asthma is a health condition that prevents the individual to properly get enough oxygen in their system. So if an individual with asthma desire to go exercising in a location that is in high altitude they may put themselves at risk of not getting enough oxygen and possibly experiencing an asthma attack. Individuals that experience an asthma can in fact cause very detrimental side effects to their health and as such careful monitoring of the asthma is very important.

A oximeter device that provides individuals with a great way of monitoring their asthma and in particular their oxygen saturation or oxygen levels is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that is very effective in monitoring the oxygen levels of individuals who have asthma. So in the case of the individual who has asthma and desires to exercise at high altitudes they can easily take their oximeter device with them wherever they desire to and easily monitor their oxygen levels in order to prevent an asthma attack. The device is actually made to be very sturdy and durable for those individuals that like to live an outdoors life and thus will last a very long time while still offering accurate vital sign monitoring. A pulse oximeter works quite effectively to measure the pulse rate as well as the blood oxygen saturation of an individual The device is only a fraction of the size of a typical cell phone and thus it is extremely portable. It also is very accurate and instantly gives a reading of the oxygen saturation as well as pulse rate within seconds. By inserting your finger inside the portable device an infrared light passes through you finger. Hemoglobin absorbs light at different frequencies and as such the infrared light that goes through the finger bounces back to the oximeter device computer with a number that represents the oxygen levels of the body. This number means the world to people who live with conditions that require accurate monitoring of the oxygen levels in the body. Oximeter devices continue to break ground not only in the hospital setting but also the home setting as well. No longer do individuals need to be at their physician

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Note: All of our products and accessories sold on this site including any Pulse Oximeter, Hand Held Pulse Oximeter, Pediatric Pulse Oximeters, and Wrist Unit Pulse Oximeters, are not intended to replace a physician's visit or professional medical diagnosis or to cure any disease or ailment.