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What is the difference between a pulse oximeter with a color screen and one without

One of the major differences between pulse oximeter products is whether they are color screen or non-color screen. This difference although has no effect on the performance or the accuracy of the device does in fact have a big impact on the convenience of use and the price of the oximeter. Those oximeter devices with a color screen tend to be more expensive because of the actual convenience factor that they provide. The way that a oximeter works is that an individual inserts their finger within the device and within seconds the device calculates and gives an output of the individual

So the decision winds down to the fact of whether the individual looking for a oximeter should get a oximeter with a color screen or one without. Well the convenience factor is very important aspect to consider and in fact does outweigh the slight price increase of the color screen. We as individual are active people and are always on the go. We go to work, to the gym, and the grocery store where all these areas have different lighting conditions that may make it difficult to read the readings of the oximeter device. As such, the color screen will provide the individuals wishing to monitor their health with a pulse oximeter with the ability to see and easily understand their readings from the oximeter device in any lighting situation. So lets say for example that you have asthma and that you have decided to actually go mountain climbing. Well you didn

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